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Member Spotlight: Get Bentz Farm

Theresa sits at her spinning wheel, smiling as she spins her Icelandic sheep's wool into yarn while wearing cowgirl boots.Have you met Theresa and Jake Bentz of Get Bentz Farm? They’re our CVG Member Spotlight of the week!

Located just outside of Northfield, overlooking the Cannon River Valley, Jake and Theresa began their farming journey in 2014 to be closer to nature and more connected to where their food came from. The two are committed to sustainable practices that care for the land and flock of Icelandic sheep who call the farm their home. Imitating the primitive Icelandic sheep who’ve roamed the countrysides of Iceland for centuries, Jake and Theresa’s sheep graze 30 acres of prairie and wooded areas, enjoying the room to roam and graze as they please.

Get Bentz Farm places an emphasis on using the entire animal, literally from head to tail! With products that range from tanned sheepskins and taxidermy skulls to 100% grass-fed meat and a plethora of wool products, the care for their land and animals are present in every product they create.

You can find Get Bentz Farm at this Saturday’s Cannon Valley Farmers’ Market where they’ll have woolen products, yarn, bedding, goat milk lotion + soap, and delicious grass-fed lamb. You can pre-order via their website to make shopping on Saturday a breeze.

O, and did we mention that Theresa is the new president of the Cannon River Sustainable Farming Association 🥳?? Thank you for all the ways you show up for your local food and fibershed, Theresa and Jake!

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