NEW for 2023! Check out the Cannon Valley Grown Map for quick info on our producers!

Cannon Valley is to Minnesota as Napa Valley is to California

The Forefront of the Local Food Movement

Can we put Cannon Valley in the forefront of local food and beverage consumers’ minds like Napa Valley is to the world, a region to explore delicious food and beverages? A local group of farmers, makers and consumers believe that we can. We are part of the Cannon River Sustainable Farming Association and this Wednesday, October 10th, we’re launching our plan to make Cannon Valley Grown a recognizable place and product in the minds of all people wanting to eat and consume locally produced products.

Where is the Cannon Valley Region?

For starters, the Cannon Valley region rests in the Cannon River Watershed that comprises the land around the Cannon River and Straight River running from Waseca to Red Wing and  Owatonna to Randolph with the largest towns in this region being Owatonna, Faribault and Northfield. Within this region exist more than corn and soy beans, but also farmers and growers of a diverse range of products from apples and blueberries to currants and elderberries; from grass-fed beef and lamb to pastured pork, chicken and turkeys; from chicken eggs to duck and quail eggs; from goat and sheep milk cheeses to goat milk soaps and sheep fiber; from asparagus and carrots to garlic and turmeric; from maple syrup and honey to apple cider, beer and wine. The list goes on and on. Every week we meet at least one new farmer or producer or learn of a new food, beverage or product being produced right here in the Cannon Valley region.

Uplifting a Region of Farmers, Makers and Producers

Cannon Valley Grown brings together farmers, makers and producers to create a marketing initiative committed to value-driven business and thriving local economies. Our aim is to put the rich soils and deep farming roots of the Minnesota Cannon River Valley’s on the map as well as tell the stories of our delicious food and drinks, exceptional products, and the dedicated people who make them happen.

Join Cannon Valley Grown

To learn more about becoming a member or supporting Cannon Valley Grown, join me and other Cannon River Sustainable Farming Association members Wednesday, October 10th as we give birth to Cannon Valley Grown at the Cannon Valley Grown Kick-Off Party. You will hear from local business owners of Loon Liquors and Imminent Brewing share their experience working with local farmers. You’ll hear from the Cannon Valley Grown committee members, including myself, about the goals of this initiative, the benefits for our farmer/producer members and how to join. The Cannon Valley Grown Kick-Off Party starts at 6:30pm at Imminent Brewing in Northfield. This event is free to the public. The Cannon Valley Grown initiative is being funded by a grant from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation. For more information about the Kick-off event or to join Cannon Valley Grown, contact

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Cannon Valley Grown Map
Click on a location for details!

View the full map with additional links to our producer pages here

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